Weekly Services
Small Groups 10:00 am
Our small groups offer an opportunity to engage with each other in inviting fellowship and spiritual growth while digging into the scriptures together. Our aim is to engage each person in a way that will strengthen their faith for daily living.
Worship Service 11:00 am
Our worship hour is a special time where we embrace and praise the Holy Spirit's presence. In our worship we seek to glorify all that God has done for us through the work and person of Jesus Christ.
Our worship service consists of singing favorite hymns with an occasional contemporary song. We enjoy a time of open worship which is a time of sharing through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The service also includes a biblically inspired message from our pastor.
We continue to offer Drive-In Church for those who do not feel comfortable entering the building at this time. We hope that you will continue to come and worship with us in one of the two formats available.
Wednesday Bible Study - 10:00 am
The focus in our Bible study group is to dig deep into God's Word to understand and uncover all that He has for us. During this time of fellowship we explore the original languages, as well as the cultural, geographical, and historical background of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and how it directly relates to us today. Join us as we study God's promises to His people through the scriptures and reveal how they are still applicable today.
Bible Study will resume on Wednesday January 8th @ 10:00 am.
Monthly Services
Bring-A-Friend meal for January will be Soup & Sandwiches
Click here for more information. /upcoming-events
On the fourth Wednesday of the month @ 6:00PM we hold a supper for those of our church and the community at large. All are invited to attend. A free-will offering is received. The offerings go toward projects at our church and in our community.
Providence Friends Quaker Women
Providence Friends Quaker Women is our Women's missionary and outreach organization. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in our fellowship hall at 2:00 PM. We support work for local missions and those around the world. Our women's group also has a project called "Mile of Pennies". Pennies, and other US currency, are collected throughout the year with the money given to needy families in the surrounding areas at Christmas. (Temporarily not meeting)
Quaker Men
Providence Friends Quaker Men
Quaker Men is our Men's missionary group. They meet each month on the last Sunday at 7:30 AM for breakfast and discussion. This group participates in various service projects throughout the year.
Quaker Men is temporarily not meeting